Friday, June 26, 2015

Bard's beer returns to Jacksonville

Here's some good news: Bard's beer is back in Jacksonville.

Bard's CEO Brian Kovalchuk tells me that the company finally has found a new distributor to get the beer back to the Jacksonville market. Sure enough, I found it available at Total Wine.

Bard's had been out of the market since late last year as the company searched for a new distributor.

With so few gluten-free beers available, it is disappointing when you can't get a particular brand. Without Bard's, the only pure gluten-free beers that were widely available in Jacksonville have been Redbridge and New Planet.

Yes, beers that are processed to remove gluten like Omission are widely available, but a lot of celiacs won't drink it because of the continued questions about the testing process. Although Omission says its beers test below the 20 ppm standard, many people say the test for gluten content in beers is not reliable, so we can't know for sure.

Bard's is made from sorghum and is safe for celiacs.

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